Microsoft Talks Mouse and Keyboard Support for Xbox One


The thing that probably separates console and PC gamers the most are the tools they use to play games like shooters. The console players want handheld controllers, but the PC gamers prefer mouse and keyboard. The Xbox One doesn’t have official support for the mouse and keyboard, but there are workarounds.

One of those uses adapters to allow keyboard and mouse use and Microsoft is aware of this. While some say that the keyboard and mouse users would have an advantage in multiplayer shooters, Microsoft isn’t acting to block the use of a mouse and keyboard reports Gamespot.

Microsoft’s Mike Ybarra says that Microsoft could block mouse and keyboard support, but it wants to give the devs freedom to operate games as they see fit. Microsoft also thinks that allowing keyboard and mouse support could go a long way to helping those with some sort of accessibility issue to play on the console.

Ybarra said on twitter, “Developers have the choice to use APIs that detect and not allow these [mouse and keyboard]. Its up to them, but the capability is there.” Microsoft has hinted in the past that an official keyboard and mouse might come to the Xbox One eventually, but we have no idea when.