Fallout 76 Discounted on Amazon


Fallout 76 isn’t doing as well as past entries in the franchise in sales or review scores. The game has been panned for being too similar to Fallout 4 and for being riddled with bugs. If you have been waiting for prices to fall on the game so you could try it for yourself, now is the time thanks to Amazon.

Amazon is offering the standard version of the game for $34.99 on all platforms. That is a discount of $25 off the normal $59.99 price. If you want the fancier Tricentennial version of the game, it is available for $49.99 on all platforms, a discount of $30 off the regular price of the game.

The discounted price might get more gamers to give Fallout 76 a chance. Spending less won’t keep you from fighting bugs the game has or prevent you from having to play with annoying people in your game world since the game is online only and everyone plays in the same place.

It’s regrettable to see such a beloved franchise have a disastrous showing with its latest entry. We are still hoping that Bethesda will fix the game with patches.